Request for Quotation

RFQ ID RFQ Title RFQ Date RFQ End Date Vendor Group RFQ Status Number of Quote Vendor Name PO
R/June/001 Description 24/06/2018 10/07/2018 01 Close 05 A D Square HVAC Systems 0057
R/June/002 Description 24/06/2018 11/07/2018 02 Open 29
R/June/003 Description 21/06/2018 12/07/2018 03 Open 68
R/June/004 Description 20/06/2018 13/07/2018 04 Inactive 10 Net Square Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 0299
R/June/005 Description 18/06/2018 08/07/2018 05 Close 09 Innova Systems India PVT LTD 0446
R/June/006 Description 16/06/2018 05/07/2018 06 Open 05
R/June/007 Description 16/06/2018 12/07/2018 07 Inactive Vishal Info Solution
R/June/008 Description 11/06/2018 05/07/2018 08 Open 03 J. KIRIT & BROTHERS 0028
R/June/009 Description 08/06/2018 01/07/2018 09 Inactive 0568 Cosmec Solutions 0070
R/June/010 Description 06/06/2018 28/07/2018 10 Close Ravi Infocom

Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries