
Inward Invoice Summary

Location Wise Purchase Summary

Total Value : ₹92,56,638.01
Total Taxable Value : ₹80,10,443.00

Top 5 Invoices Discrepancies

Vendor GSTIN Amount (₹) # of Invoices
Aditya Industries 12PANNO2000A1Z9 70,95,000 17
Roy Productions 22PALLO1000A1X9 58,75,100 15
Amestha Industries 34PANMN2000A1k2 52,30,150 21
Bank of India 45ABCAA0000A1G* 51,67,000 4
Agatha Productions 65AAFGA0000A1S5 50,27,000 8

Top 5 Invoices Matched

Vendor GSTIN Amount (₹) # of Invoices
AI Infotech 111X000044544HJH 27,35,000 12
Adani Industries 431X000044544HTY 27,34,000 14
Auto Parts Ltd 311X000044544YTH 22,35,000 7
Moweb Industries 411X000044544HKJ 19,56,324 5
Nysoft Computers 511X000044544HJH 17,63,789 6

Invoice Approval Summary

Invoice Approval Summary

Ready for Payment

Invoice/Note Number Invoice Type Invoice Value (₹) Taxable Value
RecS-IN-003 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-006 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-003 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-006 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-003 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-006 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-003 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-006 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-003 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-006 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-003 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00
RecS-IN-006 Invoice 10,500.00 10,000.00

ITC Distribution

Location Wise ITC Distribution

Vendors with Highest quote

Vendor Code Vendor Name Awarded Quote
SARTJW01 Sarthi Job Works 6
hpvenper1 hpvenper1 org 2
hpven060401 hpven060401 Org 2
HPVENBULK280608 HP Org 12-BULK280608 2
L002 Vendor2 1
SARTJW01 Sarthi Job Works 6
hpvenper1 hpvenper1 org 2
hpven060401 hpven060401 Org 2
HPVENBULK280608 HP Org 12-BULK280608 2
L002 Vendor2 1
SARTJW01 Sarthi Job Works 6
hpvenper1 hpvenper1 org 2
hpven060401 hpven060401 Org 2
HPVENBULK280608 HP Org 12-BULK280608 2
L002 Vendor2 1
L002 Vendor2 1

Vendor with Highest invoice value

Vendor Code Vendor Name Invoice Number Invoice Amount
UAT001 UAT Vendor Org vnedorHS01 ₹1151812380239.92
DevVendor DeveloperVendor INV2804 ₹1082720800.00
HPVENbulk050801 HP Org 12-bulk050801 INVWQ01 ₹505140130.08
HPVENbulk050801 HP Org 12-bulk050801 INVJP01 ₹376125679.68
APIVEN003 Arvind Limited 3 invoicevendorR ₹115066078.68
SARTJW01 Sarthi Job Works INV-MZ-01 ₹103000000.00
SARTJW01 Sarthi Job Works inv-test-002Nai ₹67344623.27
SARTJW01 Sarthi Job Works Invoice1608 ₹34060007.60
SARTJW01 Sarthi Job Works inv Test Today ₹34043245.22
VEN24012 Vendor Import Org 12 INV-2525 ₹32164722.60

Vendor with Lowest invoice value

Vendor Code Vendor Name Invoice Number Invoice Amount
Vendor2312 Vendor2312 invtest00001 ₹1.01
Vendor2312 Vendor2312 invtest00001 ₹1.01
VendorTest73 VendorTest73 invtest00002 ₹1.02
VendorTest80 VendorTest80 ERER-Test-001 ₹1.02
ven2302 ven2302 ERER-Test-02 ₹1.02
DevVendor DeveloperVendor INV1008-01 ₹11.12
DevVendor DeveloperVendor INV0508 ₹11.12
DevVendor DeveloperVendor NamInv0311 ₹11.34
DevVendor DeveloperVendor NamInv031101 ₹11.34
DevVendor DeveloperVendor NamInv031102 ₹11.34