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Action Vendor Name Invoice Number Invoice Date Total Tax Amount (₹) Taxable Value Invoice Amount (₹) TDS Amount (₹) Payable Amount (₹) TDS Computation Status Approval Status Approve/Reject Comments Cost Centre/Project Number/Department PO Type PO Number Place Of Supply Vendor Code Vendor PAN Vendor Location GSTIN Subscriber Location GSTIN Plant IRN Eway Bill Number Transaction Type Payment Status Payment Fulfilment UTR No Reconcilliation Status IR No Push to GSTIN Status Activity E-Invoice Status IRN Action GSTN Status PO Available Source
A D Square HVAC Systems inv101101 10-11-2021 118.00 100.00 118.00 100.00 18.00
View 777 Non PO 0057 (24)GUJARAT HpvenSFTP271001 24AABCM2710O1Z1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... BN008 UnPaid Fulfilled UTR002 Not available in GSTN IR23_00497-CONSO
Generated Not available in GSTIN UI
Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd INV-08Nov01 08-11-2021 10500.00 10000.00 500.00 10000.00 500.00
View 778 Non PO 0444 (24)GUJARAT SARTJW01 BFAPM3344J 24BFAPM3344J1J1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... BN002 UnPaid Pending UTR0020 Not available in GSTN IR24_00497-CONSO In Progress Matched Bulk Import
Huntsman International (I) Pvt. Ltd INVSP02111 02-11-2021 1344.00 1344.00 1200.00 1344.00 1200.00 Approved View 779 Non PO 0445 (24)GUJARAT AS500 HBBRV2409I 24HBBRV2409I5Z0 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... BN007 UnPaid Fulfilled UTR003 Pending IR25_00497-CONSO
Mismatched OCR
Net Square Solutions Pvt. Ltd. INVSP02112 02-11-2021 1344.00 1200.00 144.00 1200.00 144.00 Approved View 880 Non PO 0299 (24)GUJARAT IMPREG007 AQACB1887A 29QAACB7777H6ZQ 24AABCA2398M1Z0 BN001 UnPaid Pending UTR004 Pending IR26_00497-CONSO
Approved SFTP
Unicorn Info Solutions PVT LTD. INV01NOV10 01-11-2021 515.00 500.00 15.00 500.00 15.00 Pending View 881 Non PO 0300 (24)GUJARAT BLKIMPVEN001 BFAPM3344J 24BFAPM3344J1J1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... BN003 UnPaid Fulfilled UTR004 Pending IR26_00497-CONSO In Eligible
Unicorn Info Solutions PVT LTD. INV01NOV10 01-11-2021 515.00 500.00 15.00 500.00 15.00 Pending View 881 Non PO 0300 (24)GUJARAT BLKIMPVEN001 BFAPM3344J 24BFAPM3344J1J1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... BN003 UnPaid Fulfilled UTR004 Pending IR26_00497-CONSO In Eligible
Unicorn Info Solutions PVT LTD. INV01NOV10 01-11-2021 515.00 500.00 15.00 500.00 15.00 Pending View 881 Non PO 0300 (24)GUJARAT BLKIMPVEN001 BFAPM3344J 24BFAPM3344J1J1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... BN003 UnPaid Fulfilled UTR004 Pending IR26_00497-CONSO In Eligible
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Action IDP ID File Name File Format Invoice Number PO Number Invoice Type Vendor Code Vendor Name IDP Process Status Validation Invoice Status Last Updated On Last Refereshed On Last Refereshed By Imported By Imported Date
11590 Group M Supporting PDF 507/23-24 4500141754 PO 1109 Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd Completed Approved Submitted 17-05-2024 15:28:52 17-05-2024 12:28:52 QA User QA User 17-05-2024 12:26:00
11576 Group M Supporting PDF A012324/GIS00166 38028441/AAT PO 1110 ESRI INDIA TECH NOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED Move to Invoices Approved Not Submitted 13-05-2024 15:29:08 13-05-2024 15:13:05 QA User QA User 13-05-2024 15:11:00
1309700000 IDPGRNUN02 PDF A012324/GIS00166 38028441/AAT PO 1110 ESRI INDIA TECH NOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED Submitted Invoice Need Review Rejected 13-05-2024 15:29:08 13-05-2024 15:13:05 QA User QA User 13-05-2024 15:11:00
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Action File Name File Type File Format Imported By Imported Date EWB No. EWB Date Vendor GSTIN
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409Y 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_June2018 Image Mona 01/08/2018 11:55 PM IST EWB2409U 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409I 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 EWB PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409B 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409V 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 EWB PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409A 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409W 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409Q 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409U 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST EWB2409Z 16/08/2020 BFAPM3344J
  • Showing 1 - 10 of 151 items
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Action File Name File Format Imported By Imported Date Cost Centre/Project Number/Department Vendor Code Vendor Name IDP Status Validation
Group M Supporting PDF QA User 14-03-2023 777 1109 Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd Completed Approved
69100786-YUM PDF QA User 14-03-2023 778 1110 ESRI INDIA TECH NOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED Move to Invoices Approved
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