Credit/Debit Note (Inward)


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Action Plant Vendor Name Vendor PAN Vendor Code Vendor GSTIN Location GSTIN Invoice Number IRN Note Number Note Date Note Type Note Value (₹) Reconcilation Status Push to GSTIN Status Rejection Reason Approval Status Note Status E-Invoice Status
Sarthi Job Works AACPH8447G SARTJW01 24BFAPM3344J1J1 33AAECD6036A1ZA INVMZ01 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... CDT-MZ-21 01-11-2021 Credit 103.00 Not available in GSTIN Approved Active Generated
Sarthi Job Works AACPH8447G SARTJW01 24BFAPM3344J1J1 27AACPH8447G002 INV-01Nov01 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... CDN-01Nov01 01-11-2021 Credit 1,050.00 Not available in GSTIN Approved Active In Progress
Sarthi Job Works AACPH8447G SARTJW01 22AACFA1451A1Z5 33AAECD6036A1ZA AW0002 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... ID/17-18/CD/001 27-04-2018 Credit 1,00,000 Approved Active
Sarthi Job Works AACPH8447G SARTJW01 24BFAPM3344J1J1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 INV-01Nov01 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... CDN-01Nov01 01-11-2021 Credit 1,050.00 Not available in GSTIN Approved Active Cancelled
  • Showing 1 - 10 of 151 items
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Action Document Type File Name File Format Imported By Imported Date Vendor Code Vendor Name Scanning Status QR Validation GSTIN Status
Credit Note Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST HpvenSFTP271001 A D Square HVAC Systems Moved to Invoices Approved Active
Debit Note Expense_Invoice_June2018 EWB Mona 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST BFAPM3344J Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd Completed Approved Cancelled
Credit Note Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST HBBRV2409I Huntsman International (I) Pvt. Ltd Moved to Invoices Rejected Cancelled
Debit Note Expense_Invoice_July2018 EWB Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST IMPREG007 Net Square Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Failed Rejected Cancelled
Credit Note Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST BLKIMPVEN001 Innova Systems India PVT LTD Pending For CDN Rejected Active
Debit Note Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST SARTJW01 Unicorn Info Solutions PVT LTD. Failed Rejected Active
Credit Note Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST HpvenSFTP271001 A D Square HVAC Systems Moved to Invoices Approved Active
Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST SARTJW01 Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd Processing Approved Active
Credit Note Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST AS500 Huntsman International (I) Pvt. Ltd Failed Rejected Active
Expense_Invoice_July2018 PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST AQACB1887A Net Square Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Processing Rejected Active
  • Showing 1 - 10 of 151 items
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