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Action Plant Vendor Name Vendor PAN Vendor Code Vendor Location GSTIN Subscriber GSTIN EWB No. Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Amount (₹) Taxable Value Place Of Supply Total Tax Amount (₹) PO Type PO
Eway Bill Number Payment Status Recon Status Rejection Reason E-Invoice Status Approval Status Push to GSTIN Status EWB No. Action GSTN Status PO
A D Square HVAC Systems HpvenSFTP271001 24AABCM2710O1Z1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... inv101101 10-11-2021 118.00 100.00 (24)GUJARAT 18.00 Non PO 0057 N/A UnPaid Not available in GSTIN Generated Approved
Not available in GSTN UI
Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd BFAPM3344J SARTJW01 24BFAPM3344J1J1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 INV-08Nov01 08-11-2021 10500.00 10000.00 (24)GUJARAT 500.00 Non PO 0444 N/A UnPaid Not available in GSTIN In Progress Approved Matched Bulk Import
Huntsman International (I) Pvt. Ltd HBBRV2409I AS500 24HBBRV2409I5Z0 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... INVSP0211 02-11-2021 1344.00 1200.00 (24)GUJARAT 144.00 Non PO N/A UnPaid Pending Rejected Approved Mismatched OCR
Net Square Solutions Pvt. Ltd. AQACB1887A IMPREG007 29QAACB7777H6ZQ 24AABCA2398M1Z0 02-11-2021 1344.00 1200.00 (24)GUJARAT 144.00 Non PO 0299 N/A UnPaid Pending Cancelled Approved
Not available in GSTN SFTP
35054cc24d97033afc249ec... Innova Systems India PVT LTD BLKIMPVEN001 29QAACB6666H6ZP 24AABCA2398M1Z0 INVSP021102 02-11-2021 1344.00 1200.00 (24)GUJARAT 144.00 Non PO 0446 N/A UnPaid Pending InEligible Approved Pending API
Unicorn Info Solutions PVT LTD. BFAPM3344J SARTJW01 24BFAPM3344J1J1 24AABCA2398M1Z0 35054cc24d97033afc249ec... INV01NOV10 01-11-2021 515.00 500.00 (24)GUJARAT 15.00 Non PO 0023 N/A UnPaid Pending Generated Approved Rejected UI
  • Showing 1 - 10 of 151 items
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Action File Name File Type File Format Imported By Imported Date Vendor Code Vendor Name OCR Scanning Status
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST HpvenSFTP271001 A D Square HVAC Systems Moved to Invoices
Expense_Invoice_June2018 EWB Image Mona 01/08/2018 11:55 PM IST BFAPM3344J Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd Completed
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST HBBRV2409I Huntsman International (I) Pvt. Ltd Moved to Invoices
Expense_Invoice_July2018 EWB PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST IMPREG007 Net Square Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Failed
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST BLKIMPVEN001 Innova Systems India PVT LTD Pending For OCR
Expense_Invoice_July2018 EWB PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST SARTJW01 Unicorn Info Solutions PVT LTD. Failed
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST HpvenSFTP271001 A D Square HVAC Systems Moved to Invoices
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST SARTJW01 Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning (I) Ltd Processing
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST AS500 Huntsman International (I) Pvt. Ltd Failed
Expense_Invoice_July2018 Purchase Invoice/Einv PDF Satish 01/08/2018 12:00 PM IST AQACB1887A Net Square Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Processing
  • Showing 1 - 10 of 151 items
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