ASN Errors Records

  • CGST Amount and SGST Amount/UTGST Amount would be applicable.
  • Gross Amount must be calculation of ((Taxable Amount - Discount Amount) + Other Charges + IGST Amount + CGST Amount+ SGST Amount/UTGST Amount + Cess Amount + State Cess Amount + CessNonAdvalorem Amount).
  • PO Number do not exist with particular Vendor.
  • Invoice(s) is Pending for Approval, Hence details cannot be updated.
  • Invalid Invoice Number.
  • Place Of Supply must be upto 2 digits.
  • Location GSTIN and Location Legal Name combination does not exist.
  • Vendor GSTIN and Vendor Code combination do not exist in the system.
  • Place Of Supply should be numeric only.
  • Bill to GSTIN or State not match with Subscriber.
  • Plant and Subscriber Location GSTIN combination do not exist in the system.
  • BillTo GSTIN and BillTo Gstin LegalName combination does not exist.
  • Invalid PO Type, Valid PO Type values are Non PO, NonPO, Non-PO, PO.
  • Invalid HSN Code.
  • PO Line No must be upto 5 digits.
  • PO Line No must be numeric.
  • Please enter Quantity.
  • Please enter Price Per Quantity.
  • PO Date must be less than or equal to Invoice Date.
  • Please enter valid GST rate.
  • Gross Amount must be calculation of ((Taxable Amount - Discount Amount) + Other Charges + IGST Amount + CGST Amount+ SGST Amount + UTGST Amount + Cess Amount + State Cess Amount + CessNonAdvalorem Amount).

Error Records

Subscriber Location GSTIN Location Legal Name PO Type Plant Filing Period PO Number Vendor Code Vendor Location GSTIN Invoice/Bill of Entry Number Invoice/Bill of Entry Date Invoice/Bill of Entry Amount Invoice Due Date IRN Place of Supply Expense Period Start Date Expense Period End Date Import Type Reverse Charge Shipping or Export Billing Number Shipping or Export Billing Date PortCode ECommerceGSTIN ECommerceGSTIN Trade Name Company Code Other Amount Advance Amount Staff Email ID IsAmendment OriginalGSTIN Original Invoice/Bill of Entry Number Original Invoice / Bill of Entry Date OriginalPortCode Original EcommerceGSTIN Transporter Transport Receipt VehicleNumber LR Number Booking / Destination LR Date Challan Number Challan Date No.of Package Broker Name Agent Name Banker Name PO Line No(S No) Item Type HSN Code Item Code Description Unit of Measurement Quantity PricePerQuantity Taxable Amount Rate Discount(%) Discount Amount IGST CGST SGST/UTGST Cess Rate Cess State Cess Rate State Cess Amount CessNonAdvaloremRate CessNonAdvalorem Amount OtherCharges GrossAmount ITC Eligibility IGSTEligible CGSTEligible ITC SGST Amount/ITC UTGST Amount Cess Eligibility ITCStateCESSAmount ITCCessNonAdvaloremAmount BillToGSTIN Bill To GSTIN Legal Name Bill to Address Line1 Bill to Address Line2 BillToState BillToCity BillToPostalCode ShipToGSTIN Ship To GSTIN Legal Name Ship to Address Line1 Ship to Address Line2 ShipToState ShipToCity ShipToPostalcode File Name Project Manager Name Project Go Live Date Other Reference Custom1 Custom2 Custom3 Custom4 Custom5 Custom6 Custom7 Custom8 Custom9 Custom10

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries