Invoices for VEN1706 – A D Square HVAC Systems – 22AACFA1451A1Z5

Action Location GSTIN Location Name Vendor Location Name Vendor GSTIN Invoice Type Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Value Taxable Value IGST Amount SGST Amount CGST Amount CESS Amount Tax Rate Place of Supply Port Code Reverse Charge Reconciliation Status Mismatch Reason
24JEUPZ1606L1Z1 Mumbai Ahmedabad 25JEUPZ1606L1Z2 B2B Invoice-140601 14-06-2021 1,10000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 12% (24)GUJARAT 01 Not Available in GSTR 2A
24JEUPZ1606L1Z1 Mumbai Ahmedabad 25JEUPZ1606L1Z2 B2B Invoice-140601 14-06-2021 1,10000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 12% (24)GUJARAT 01 Mismatched Mismatched due to : POS,IGST-₹ 200 ,Invoice Amount-₹ 500

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