Import History

Number of Files

  • In Progress Files
  • Success Files
  • Failed Files
  • Success Files with Error records
  Actions File Name Vendor Name Imported On (date & time) Imported From Total Records Success Records Error Records Discarded Records
CVP_Demo_4 - Copy (2) - Copy.xlsx Aagam Enterprise 31/10/2019 18:30:03 User Interface 20 0 20 0
CVP_Demo_4 - Copy (2) - Copy.xlsx Aagam Enterprise 31/10/2019 18:30:03 User Interface 20 0 20 0
CVP_Demo_4 - Copy (2) - Copy.xlsx Aagam Enterprise 31/10/2019 18:30:03 User Interface 20 0 20 0
CVP_Demo_4 - Copy (2) - Copy.xlsx Aagam Enterprise 31/10/2019 18:30:03 User Interface 20 0 20 0
Invoice_1_2_11_2019_431717868913479.XLSX Customer Company 11/11/2019 11:46:20 User Interface 0 0 0 0
Invoice_1_2_11_2019_431717868913479.XLSX Customer Company 11/11/2019 11:46:20 User Interface 0 0 0 0
Invoice_1_2_11_2019_431717868913479.XLSX Customer Company 11/11/2019 11:46:20 User Interface 0 0 0 0
Invoice_1_2_11_2019_431717868913479.XLSX Customer Company 11/11/2019 11:46:20 User Interface 0 0 0 0
VendorSample (1).xlsx Sayantan Ghosh 09/10/2019 16:10:24 User Interface 1 0 1 0
VendorSample (1).xlsx Sayantan Ghosh 09/10/2019 16:10:24 User Interface 1 0 1 0
VendorSample (1).xlsx Sayantan Ghosh 09/10/2019 16:10:24 User Interface 1 0 1 0
VendorSample (1).xlsx Sayantan Ghosh 09/10/2019 16:10:24 User Interface 1 0 1 0
  • Showing 1 - 10 of 151 items
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